“Lonely people talking to each other can make each other lonelier. “ -Lillian Hellman (1905-1984) Print
I Have Been Thinking...

Often people have been advised to seek out other persons with the same difficulties and to “share” their thoughts and feelings. While this may provide a “feel better” short term, it is not usually a long term fix. What does work long term is to seek out persons who have the situation that we would want for ourselves and to change our behavior to match theirs.   Like does attract like. So, if we want to break the cycle of loneliness we need to relate to someone who is not lonely.

Since loneliness is a state of mind, we are well served to visualize ourselves as persons who are interesting to be with. We will then be in much better company even when we are alone. We will be interesting to ourselves and will be energized to do interesting things. Interested people draw interesting persons to them. Our minds dictate our reality. What we think is what we feel, and what we feel is what we do.

So if you think you are lonely you will be! Even in a room full of people. A change of thinking will change perception, and a change of perception will create the reality that you want. Loneliness will melt away with new activities that attract positive, happy people to you.