“Whoever builds a house for future happiness, builds a prison for the present” - Octavio Paz (1914-1998) Print
I Have Been Thinking...

While it is important to have some interest in the future, it falls short of the skill that attention to the present requires. Certainly happiness cannot be enjoyed in the future, as it can only exist and be enjoyed in the present. Therefore, to live in the future (which is not now, and by definition can never be a present reality) waists the present to the extent that happiness eludes the butterfly net of dreams. The result is that a person often does build a self-made prison of misery (always looking to the next day for something to change as if by magic to produce happiness). Since happiness is a function of one's ability to stay in the here and now (even if the here and now is colored by flights of fantasy and perception) one must experience life second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Otherwise a person loses his/her life long before actual death occurs. To sacrifice a precious today on the altar of tomorrow makes no common sense. This sad state of being will over time indeed build walls of despair. Walls so high that they can shut out the light of hope and produce a pseudo-suffocation of the human spirit. A prison indeed!!!!