"Come to the edge" They replied, "It's too high" "Come to the edge" "We will fall" "Come to the edge"...and they came, and she pushed them, and they flew! -Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918) Print
I Have Been Thinking...

Education is the "push" whereby we "learn" to "fly" spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.  Without learning of some kind we will surely die.  It is the basis of survival.  I am not talking about education for education's sake, although, there is something to be said for that.  I am addressing the education we all need to learn about ourselves, others and our world.  That is the education to really "think".  To become a "researcher" instead of a "reactor".  To search out the truth, to look beyond our limited viewpoint.  To look at the world from God's eyes (if you will) or from a universal, superior position/viewpoint.  There is truth! It does exist, but it requires energy to seek it out, energy to resist the intellectual sleep that comes so easy to the process. We've all been there. It is tempting to let others think for us and history has shown us the terrible results from that human luxury. Most of the horrors of our world come from letting a few think for the many. We need to at least control ourselves and to what extent we can our lives. Many have said if we would change the world we need to change ourselves for the better first. So we need to "go to the edge" and be "pushed" by our higher selves so that we can "fly" (so to speak). The flight of life is solitary and it is our responsibility. We can not in truth blame others although that might seem easier. No it is our flight, it is our life, and we can look to no human being to live it for us.